I am relatively new to instagram as I only recently joined the modern world and bought a smart phone! I am being honest when I say that one of the main reasons I chose a smart phone was because of instagram, I realise that makes me about as uncool as you can get, but it is a title I more than willing to accept. What can I say, instagram has not let me down! Call me pathetic but I love the freedom of being able to capture sweet little moments, from the insignificant to the big occasions. It really is amazing how freely we are able to photograph the world these days and how incredible it is that everyone has the power to become a photographer. Not that I am counting myself as a photographer, but you know, now I have won my first photo competition and everything I am more keen than ever to get involved.
These little snaps capture my daily life, not just blog-worthy moments that are often contrived and carefully arranged to be photo ready but fleeting little wonders. Follow me on bethanyscthomas to see more!
The last of the summer berries, you just can't beat a bowl of fresh summer fruit
A lovely little lunch date let to this wonderful moment! TS is a true butterfly whisperer
Love that vintage element to this railway station, so simple and perfect, it almost makes train-travel exciting, almost
A large proportion of my life in the last few months has been spent here, it wouldn't be fair to leave it out. I guess, as libraries go this isn't a bad view.
Modern London, there is something very iconic about a London bus heading to Waterloo on a foggy, grey day in the big smoke
Outfit of the day, first day cold enough to merit a wooly tartan scarf, candy-pop trousers and a crisp white shirt
Two of the sweetings things in the world NT and a bunny, could there be anything cuter?
Lights in London, christmas is coming!
I whole heartedly support Movember, keep up the good work lads!
French inspired jewellery can only make French class more fun!
Snuggles with Miss LP and Teddy, hands down the best way to wake up in the morning!
Knobbly, spotty perfect pumpkins in Borough Market! So good you could eat them!
Real love comes in a handmade mug filled with hot, chocolately goodness
Mood - festive